
Thursday, May 25, 2017

Tips for a Safe and Sober Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend is almost here and it’s usually filled with parades, barbecues – and lots of temptation for those in recovery from a substance use disorder. Take heart: You can be social and sober and have fun as you kick off the summer. Keep these tips in mind: 
  • Get plenty of rest. Even though it’s a holiday weekend, do your best to stick to your regular sleep schedule. Being well rested will make it easier to think clearly and make smart decisions.
  • Keep active. Don’t forgo your exercise routine – and, if you have extra time, do a little more this long weekend. A little physical activity can go a long way in help you feel strong and confident in your recovery. Plus, you’ll simply be in a better mood! 
  • Prepare ahead for questions. Remember, you only have to share as much as you feel comfortable sharing about your recovery. So, if someone questions why you’re not drinking, it’s okay to say something like “I don’t drink anymore” or “I don’t feel like drinking” – no lengthy explanation required. 
  • Create a gratitude list – and carry it with you. If you feel yourself getting anxious or tempted, refer to this list to remind yourself of all you’ve achieved in your recovery and how grateful you are to be sober and alive! 
  • Use breathing techniques. You can take a minute or two to focus on your breathing and no one even has to know about it. This will help you stay calm as well as quell any cravings or anxiety you may be experiencing. 
  • Bring a sober friend. Extra support is always a good idea in social situations that involve alcohol. Stay close to one another and make sure you have a meeting spot and exit strategy if one of you becomes too overwhelmed. 
Making Better Choices Year-Round
Learning to make better choices is a key element of the sober living program at Haus Recovery. During your stay, you will learn to maintain your abstinence, embrace the fun in a life of recovery, and acquire the skills needed to make these changes last. To learn more, call today: 888-551-4715.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Your Guide to Food Safety

Now that you’re likely cooking for yourself (which is a healthy step that deserves a pat on the back in itself!), it’s important to know the facts about foodborne illness. 

In fact, one in six Americans gets sick every year from food poisoning, according to And you may be at further risk due to a comprised immune system from years of substance abuse. The good news: It’s pretty easy to protect yourself. 

Start by following these safety tips for prepping, cooking and storing food.
  • Wash cutting boards, knives, cooking utensils and countertops with hot, soapy water after each use.
  • Scrub hands in warm water with soap (for 20 to 30 seconds) both before and after handling food.
  • Sanitize sponges and replace frequently. Hint: Pop the sponge in the microwave for one minute or run it through the hot cycle in the dishwasher. 
  • Use separate cutting boards for raw foods or clean boards and knives with hot, soapy water between each use to avoid cross-contamination. 
  • Separate raw meat, poultry and seafood in the refrigerator. Place these items on the bottom shelf so that juices don’t drip onto other foods.
  • Use a food thermometer to be sure food is cooked to a safe internal temperature: 
    • Beef, pork, lamb: 145°F 
    • Fish: 145°F 
    • Ground beef, pork, lamb: 160°F 
    • Turkey, chicken, duck: 165°F
  • Keep perishable foods refrigerated at or below 40°F within two hours. If the outside temperature is 90°F or higher, it’s best to do this within one hour. 
  • Always marinate foods in the refrigerator -- and never on the counter.
  • Learn the language:
    • “Sell by” date: the last day a store should sell that package. 
    • “Best if used by” date: a suggestion to achieve best flavor or quality. Note: If this date has recently passed, the food should be safe if stored and handled properly.
    • “Use by” date: the manufacturer’s last date recommended for peak quality. 
A Healthy Diet at Haus Recovery
As part of our comprehensive sober living services, we offer clients cooking classes and dietary support. To learn more, call today: 888-551-4715.

Friday, May 12, 2017

4 Steps for Sober Living

Congrats! If you’re reading this, you’ve likely reached the point where you’re ready to embrace a new life of sobriety. Though it might sounds silly, an important step in supporting your new healthy lifestyle is making a schedule and organizing your environment. This way, you’ll have more time and energy to devote to your overall health and long-term recovery goals. Get started with these steps:

  1. Make organization a priority. Look around your home and begin to slowly clear the clutter. This is your sanctuary, where you rest, rejuvenate and enjoy solitude. You can’t do that if the place is a mess.
  2. Do the “trash-bag tango.” Take 10 minutes each day to walk around your home and fill one bag with trash and one bag with items to donate. Try it every day for a month, and you’ll likely be pleased with the results.
  3. Make a schedule and to-do list. A weekly schedule can help you to restore or establish a normal routine, which is incredibly helpful in the early stages of recovery. On your to-do list could be items like doing the laundry on Monday after work or changing the bedding each Sunday morning, or even getting the car washed. Make sure to prioritize the list so it’s easier to tackle.
  4. Use that positive momentum. It may seem simple but tasks like making your bed every morning can help you harness the power of momentum. Each time you cross things off your daily to-do list, you’ll boost your self-confidence and take one step closer to your long-term sobriety goals.
Our Amenities Support Your Recovery
At HAUS Recovery, you’ll acquire the skills needed to live independently, re-enter your family relationships, thrive in the workplace, and find your purpose without relying on drugs, alcohol, and other addictions. To learn more about our sober living amenities, call today: 888-551-4715.

Friday, May 5, 2017

5 Questions to Ask Your Doc

Now that you’ve committed to staying sober, there’s no better time to take charge of your overall health. Your annual checkup is a great starting point, so be sure to make an appointment this spring. And bring along these questions to ensure you have a productive conversation with your doctor.

1. What screenings do I need at my age? Depending on your sex and age, there are a variety of preventative screenings that should be part of your health checklist. Some common ones:
  • Diabetes/blood sugar testing
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
  • BMI (body mass index)
  • Bone health 
2. What should I be doing to prevent illness? For example, you may discuss any immunizations like flu, shingles or pneumonia, in addition to using sunscreen to protect against skin cancer or taking aspirin to ward off a heart attack.

3. Am I eating right? Years of addiction can deplete you body of vital nutrients, so you may have some specific nutritional needs in order to stay healthy and reduce your risk of chronic conditions. Work with your doctor to come up with an eating plan that's right for your health and sober lifestyle. 

4. Should I exercise more often? Regular exercise is a surefire way to keep your mind and body healthy – and to safeguard your recovery. Talk with your doctor about a comprehensive exercise program that includes aerobic exercise and strength training.

5. What other doctors do I need to see? You may need to see a few more specialists to complete your good-health picture. For example, you’ll need annual visits with the dentist and eye doctor. Discuss any other potential health problems with your doctor to see if a referral to a specialist makes sense. For example, if you’re experiencing depression or anxiety, you may need an appointment with a mental health professional.

A Healthier Lifestyle With Deeper Purpose
At Haus Recovery, we help our clients stay focused, maintain a positive attitude and care for themselves in order to attain their full recovery potential. To learn more about our services and activities, call us today: 888-551-4715.