
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Creating a Mindfulness Practice for Work

mindfulness work
As you begin working again, it’s important to incorporate mindfulness into your workday. For one, it can help keep stress at bay and it can also help squash any self-defeating thoughts that come your way. Here are a few ways to become mindful during your busy day.

Perform a bite-sized mindful exercise. It can take as little as one minute and no one will even have to know you’re doing it. You don’t need to sit down or close your eyes – just find time to connect with your sense. What do you see, smell, hear – and how is this making you feel at the moment?

Kick your multi-tasking habit. Single-tasking instead of multi-tasking will allow you to be more present and mindful about what you’re doing. And, surprisingly, it may even help you be more productive during the workday.

Set a timer. It’s normal to go into auto-pilot mode during the workday and a little reminder to be mindful can’t hurt. Set your smartphone (on vibrate so it doesn’t disturb others) once or twice  a day. When the alarm goes off, take a long mindful breath or pause and take note of your surroundings.

Pay attention to the signs of stress. We all experience stress but being mindful about how stress impacts your body – how your heart speeds, breathing accelerates – can help you better respond to stress. Being aware of these physical signs can help you learn to be grateful for how your body works to increase oxygen and stay energized to cope with the challenges ahead. After all, mindfulness is synonymous with gratitude. The goal, then, is to realize and appreciate what you have and how others have helped you live the sober life you so deserve! 

Employment Help at HAUS
Accountability and being self-supporting are vital steps to the reintegration process, so we encourage our clients to work. Our staff will assist with resume building and more. To learn more about our services, contact us today: 888-551-4715.

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